Born and raised in Mainz, Germany. After my apprenticeship as a sign-painter i´ve studied communications design on the University of Applied Sciences Mainz and graduated my bachelors degree back in 2011. After finishing university I´ve been freelancing for one year until getting a permanent appointment in an agency for motiondesign and filmmaking. Beside sitting in front of a screen, I like designing/making things in my spare time.

I love cats (who doesn´t?!) and working on old stuff.  And well… here I am, waiting for you to start magnificent projects with me!


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If you are interested in realizing a project with me, or hire me for my entire life(expensive!),

or just want to say "Hello!" – send me message. Looking forward to hear from you!







Mink Motiondesign | Kommunikationsdesign, Teichstraße 4, 55128 Mainz

Tel: +49 175 59 23 655

Mail: hello@alexandermink.de